Day 1 (AM) - Today (August 8th) I was awakened by numerous sounds: snoring from Busta/John and raucous laughter from children downstairs. Eventually Busta stopped snoring, woke up and went downstairs. I went down with him to see what the ruckus was about! Well, the kids were awake, including Mr. Ryan, who I didn't get a chance to meet the night before. They all had breakfast (again, none for me! Just toss me some corn -- I'll eat it!) and then it was time to get ready. For the ZOO!!! I can't wait! But first, the "larger people" had to get ready. This gave me plenty of time to play with the children.
Me with Mr. Calvin:

Me with Mr. Calvin and Mr. Ryan
Me on Mr. Ryan's head:
Me on Miss Anya's head
Me on Busta/John's head:
I didn't realize how many heads I was perched on! I must say, though, that John's head was the worst to sit on. Too much like hay, which is very scratchy. Not soft and downy like Miss Anya's or Mr. Ryan's heads were.
Anyway, the kids even let me fly for them. I almost got caught by Mr. Ryan, but I'm very quick and not so easy to capture.

I was going so fast that I was a blur in the picture! It was so much fun!
Eventually we were ready for the zoo. They were going to let me ride in my own seat:
Alas, I didn't get to have a comfortable ride for the whole time, as one of the "bigger" people needed that seat! Thankfully Miss Anya gathered me under her wing and took care of me for the whole ride to Milwaukee.
It was a beautiful drive. I saw fields as far as the eye could see. Did we stop so I could play with the cows and other chickens? No. But, for once, it was OK, because we were going to the ZOO!! I would get see all of my friends and we'd have lots of fun. I couldn't wait.
What, we're here already? But I didn't pay! It's free for chickens to get in? Really? Well, as long as they don't keep me, I'm OK with that.
The minute we entered the zoo, I knew it was be a glorious day. There were signs for elephants, and giraffes, and penguins, and polar bears. And wouldn't you know it! The first animal we saw were the flamingos!

I think Pinky and Rose, my 3rd cousins twice removed, were there, but I never knew them very well, so I can't be sure.
Before lunch we saw a gorilla carrying straw on his back, swinging spider monkeys, and a penguin who was staying cool by walking through a streaming fountain in his enclosure (lucky guy!)
Stay tuned tomorrow for pictures from lunch and other assorted pictures of Day 1 ... I'm getting tired and must go to bed to rest my "peepers". I promise to write tomorrow!