Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New post

Benny - YOU POSTED!!
John - Yes, I did. I thought I should finish the trip out West that we took this summer.
Benny - Who told you to do that?
John - No one. I did it on my own.
Benny - LIAR!!
John - Prove it.
Benny - Chris told me that he was going to torment you forever and a day if you didn't post something.
John - He did not. It was just for forever. No days were mentioned.
Benny - Oh, but they were ... to me (evil chicken cackle).
John - You're one disturbed chicken.
Benny - And your point is?
John - Nothing. I'm just stating a fact.


Benny said...

John, I'm worried about you, Benny is in Australia how can he talk to you? Are you hearing voices in your head still? Sven

Troll said...

What was that, Sven? I can't hear you through all the voices in my head. Did you say you buried Kenny in Australia? What was that?