Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Egypt - Day 8 - Saturday, August 8th

After a long and refreshing night of sleep (for some reason, I didn't hear John snoring! I must have been sleeping hard!), I awoke ready for the day. Today we get to ride a camel and see some Nubians! I have no idea what Nubians are, but I'm sure they're nice. Otherwise, why would we go see them?

We took a motor boat across the Nile to get to our starting point for the trek to the St. Simeon Monastery ruins. It was a great ride despite the scary eyes on the motor.

Wait a minute? What's that I see on the banks of the Nile? Are those ... camels? Woo-hoo!! They are. I can't wait to mount mine. (Pause for those who are reading this to finish blushing. I'll try to make the rest PG!) My camel was Caroline. I knew we would get along as soon as I saw her.

Sadly, I had to share the ride with John. He looked like he was having a great time. The people on the camels in front of us looked like they were having a great time, too!

We finally got to the ruins. They were awesome. Again, lots of dust and open spaces for a chicken like me to roam around. I could just imagine the monks doing their daily chores, saying their daily prayers, and -- producing their daily puppet show? Apparently, John and the rest of his group thought it would be hilarious to do an impromptu puppet show through one of the holes in the inner courtyard. I couldn't do anything but partake.

Despite there being a clear sky and no cloud in sight, I thought for sure we'd be struck down with lighting from God. But we didn't. And apparently the show was a success. But it had to end eventually. Show's over, folks! Go see the rest of the monastery! Next show: NEVER!

When we done being sacriligous, we had to go on to the Nubian Village. But first we had to get down the hill that the monastery was on! Oh, Sweet Caroline! Where are you, my love? Oh, there you are! Down the hill we go!

Apparently John had an issue with going down the hill on a camel's back. I don't know why. I just stayed put in his pant's pocket and enjoyed the ride! He only had to lean back so far that he was basically looked at Caroline's butt! (That's not very nice, Benny! You really didn't need to share that!) It was all he could do to hold on and lean back. And it was hilarious seeing him try to get on the camel. For a human, he has really short legs! We made it to level ground, John enjoyed the ride more, and then we headed off to lunch.

Lunch was on a floating restaurant. It reminded me of the times I would sit in John's bathtub while he was at work. It was full of water, of course. And he thought he had a leaky faucet! At least, that's what he told his landlord when asked about the high water bill! What? A chicken gets dirty too! Anyway ... I was enjoying the gentle rocking motion of the dock when our meal come. I sure hope that wasn't Horus?

After the vicious humans finished their lunch, we got to visit the Nubian village. I quickly found out that Nubian was a descriptor of the type of people who lived there. They were a nice, gentle people. Very kind and simple and WHAT THE *?/(* IS THAT?? THAT BETTER NOT BE A CROCODILE OR I AM SO OUT OF HERE! It was a croc, and it looked like the same one from Wednesday. What is with these people and crocodiles? I am so out of ... PUT ME DOWN, AHMED! I'M CALLING MY LAWYER!

Ahmed put me down. Whew! I dodged a bullet there! The last alligator bit my snout. I had just recovered from that. OWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are SO going to hear from lawyer when I get back to the states!! This is animal cruelty! Unusual punishment! I want to go home! I almost started crying. Then I saw the little old lady who wanted me as her baby. I'll go home with you! You care about me, unlike everyone on this trip! I'm not listening to you, John! I don't care if she only wants me for her baby. Wait a minute ... not AS her baby, but FOR her baby? But she's an old lady. Oh, it's her grandchild she wants me for. WAIT A MINUTE! They EAT chickens here! They don't play with them. GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!

We left the Nubian village and headed back to the hotel. A good afternoon at the pool is what I need. Of course, I didn't get that, because John fell asleep again as soon as we got to the room. Am I ever going to get to see the pool? Oh, well, I might as well sleep. What? We have more to do tonight. I don't wanna go! That's right .. I'm pouting. I almost got eaten by a crocodile and abducted by Nubians! Why would I want to go to a museum about them? They have a baboon there? Really? Well, I'll go, but only if I can get the baboon as a bodyguard. And I don't me YOU, JOHN!

After a quick nap in the room, we went to the museum around 5 PM that night. And it had all of the things that John promised they might have (he's very non-committal).

There was a baboon (another good listener)

There was a mighty lion (surprisingly quiet for the king of the jungle)

I found my Egyptian coop:

There was a golden ram (I think he's related to the golden goose.)

There were some Nubian warriors there. I wish they were with me this afternoon; I could've used them to talk some sense to their Nubian kinship!

And, of course, there were mummies. 2 kinds, in fact. One REALLY OLD kind (apparently, they just threw the body in a sand pit and covered it up and let the sand do it's thing) and one not-so-old mummy (but definitely cool to look at, as it was covered in a golden sarcophagus)

Despite the animosity that I had with the Nubians earlier in the day, I enjoyed myself at the museum. I was able to understand their culture a little bit better. I will forgive them, but I definitely will NOT FORGET! I'm got my eye on you, my Nubian friends! What? You have your eye on me, too?

Well, um, OK. Fine. That makes us even. You don't mess with me and I won't mess with you. Deal? What? Ok, John says we got to go back to the room and pack. Tomorrow we board our cruise boat. I CANNOT WAIT!!!