After our lunch at Paula's ( I still have guilt about that so let's not talk about it) we happened upon Uncle Bubba's Oyster House the next day. Here's a picture of me after eating at Uncle Bubba's... nuff said.
When my food coma finally wore off we went to the beach. I had never seen the Atlantic Ocean so I was really excited. Once I was close to the Pacific but someone chose not to go, so I can't really say I've been there...
Chris was surprised to find Santa sunning himself on the beach that day. He was kind enough to let us take a picture. Now we all know what he does on his "off time". I told him I wanted a passport for Christmas so I wouldn't have to ride in the luggage anymore. He said he would see what he could do but since I am a chicken and all the rules may be a little fuzzy, we'll see come Christmas morning.
I got a little sun bathing in myself, although it was pointless with the SPF 85 Riza slathered all over me. I was worried she was just buttering me up after all the chicken we had a Paula's but she assured me she would not eat a chicken that had been out of the country.
What's this guy looking at anyway?
Tonight we are still in Georgia, but right on the border of Tennessee, so we went into Chattanooga for BBQ at Sugar's Ribs. I don't know why everyone thinks it's so funny to take pictures of me with cooking chicken, it's a little unsettling, as well as rude. I would never find a cannibal colony in Africa and take picture of Sven smiling next to them, it's just not right. The food was delish anyway. We are going to Ruby Falls tomorrow, hopefully hundreds of feet under the earth it will be cooler.
Benny, Benny, Benny. How soon you forget. You spent 3 glorious days on the beach in Hawaii, so you have seen the Pacific Ocean.
So sorry my little chic-a-dee. Was the food coma or was it just a dig against Johnny Boy!
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