Monday, December 20, 2010

Washington, DC - Day 6 - Wednesday, July 7th

Today we leave the comfort of Julie’s place and head to Williamsburg, VA. We’ll be staying in a hotel, so I hope they have enough room for 3 humans and 3 animals! The drive took about 4 hours, and by the time we found our hotel and checked in, it was afternoon. Still hot. Still humid. Still hazy. A bird could get used to this weather! Polly and Lucky enjoyed it, too. Although Polly never sweated – what’s that all about? Apparently today will be spent at Jamestown. We headed to the museum/reenactment area and paid admittance. (Animals free with adult admission. It good to be a chicken!) After trying to decipher the human placards inside the museum (I only could read chicken scratches), we headed outside. That’s where I had the most fun.

First, I donned armor. It was a little big.

Then, I gave a rousing sermon in the pulpit (“Be sure to take care of your animal friends”, etc.)

Someone (probably John) tried to be put in a barrel. I didn’t fit because it was full of monkeys.

I then exchanged recipes with Rocky the Rooster. Apparently he makes a killer cornbread!

The dugout canoe didn’t go anywhere. Probably would’ve helped if I had an oar. And if it was in water. Like the replica boats in the bay. I tested out the sleeping quarters, was almost forced to walk the plank, and hoisted the main sail. I was exhausted when we got to the Indian village. Home, John! I need my rest! Instead of a nice, cool hotel room, he stuck me in his smelly bag and lugged it through Colonial Williamsburg. I was so tired I didn’t even squawk when they had dinner without me. If the fifer and drummer wouldn’t have done a dinner show, I might’ve slept through it. As it was, I didn’t even notice when we got back to the hotel room. I enjoyed today. I finally got to do something fun! I guess John is too bad. What’s on the agenda for tomorrow, I wonder?