Sunday, May 31, 2009

Finally Someone Cares Enough To Update About Me!!

As most of you know I've been on several adventures lately, none of which have been blogged about... hint, hint. I took delegating it to The Queen Bee to get things done around here.

My latest trip was with the Clark's on their Memorial Day Camping Extravaganza! When I say extravaganza I mean extravaganza! Just picture 10 adults camping with 21 children, can you say outnumbered? Thank goodness I was there to help, I don't know what they would have done without me. The food was unbelievable, I think they could have survived for a year with all the goodies that everyone brought.

First I helped with the packing. You would have thought they were going away for the summer with as much stuff as they had. To tell you the truth they could have done with a few more things, I think one of the children ran out of underwear on day one! Then there was the incident at the lake when their son fell in. I just about laughed my butt off when it happened, but he's OK so they are laughing about it now too.

I was never more glad to be a chicken as on this trip, everyone else got eaten alive by mosquito's, they were using Off like it was going out of style. Having feathers does sometimes prove to be a good thing.

Above: is a picture of me with the smaller 2 kiddos, I think they were trying to do the chicken dance which gets old after the 100th time. People think just because you are a chicken you automatically love doing the chicken dance, not so.

Above: Sure she looks all cute and innocent but seriously I thought she was gonna toss me in the fire. You have to watch out for that one.Above: I thought I was the boss!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They never would tell me what was in the pots...

All in all we had a great time. I think that I'll stick with the Clark's a while. I hear rumors of heading to Georgia in a few days and would love to get me some Crab Cakes at the Lady and Son's. Although I hear she is famous for her GULP... Fried Chicken (shudder).